Sunday 13 September 2009

Et Tu Brute?

I have followed Will March's blog from its very inception, just as I have followed and promoted Will on every #FF. Indeed I have been proud to call him my favourite tweeter to date!
But tonight when I just started this thing and was really excited about it and wanted to tell him first he ignored me! on twitter! then called his blog shite! We had a fight on twitter, can you believe it on twitter. And another thing Will, if you ever get the big fat stick out of your arse and bother to read this- You treated me like a twat- I have heard you treat other people like twats and try to frighten them away, but I didn't think you would do it to me. We are mates after all. You don't frighten me one tiny bit. I will continue to like you despite your best efforts.


nallan08 said...

Give him a big fat twitter slap!

Just Debs said...

Thanks Natalie, I suffer from a genetic disorder called 'catastrophising' exascerbated by using one too many Bloody Mary's- symptoms include thinking it is all about me and poor impulse control. Thankfully I regain some semblence of normality when all the alcohol leaves my system(and Will has a more generous spirit than I give him credit for.)