Saturday 12 September 2009

In the beginning was earth , then came woman. as a huge afterthought there came man(but only cause the grass needed cutting!)

Hi, All who enter, be not afraid. I have created this blog and I promise you will be safe here. Stay close to me and make no sudden movements.

How fecking easy is this. I cannot believe I am on a blog- much less my blog! I was only trying to find out the true identity of a fellow blogger, Jinx Cat!

Next thing I know is I'm being asked to choose my wallpaper, Now I know how Mr. Ben felt when he went into the changing rooms with the dodgy looking salesman. "Inside leg measurements? No problems my good man but only if I can I wear the Spaceman outfit!"

So this is it, my own private space to be as outrageous as I want. My Ego and Id are in mortal Combat with this one .....Lets just see how it goes. Debs hehe


Unknown said...

hey honey. congrats on your latest adventure in technologyland.

Scams xox

Just Debs said...

Thank You honey, I did it while you were sleeping last night. Considering I was 2 sheets to the wind, I'm amazed it is real at all.

nallan08 said...

Hey Debs and Scams!

You did it! You're here! Really on the internet! YAY! Good to see you took the plunge. Enjoy yourself. Each time you post copy the link onto twitter so you get more visitors.

Have a good weekend.

Natalie Allan.