Thursday 17 September 2009

I'm not really a manic depressive, honest!

Having just looked at this blog again, I am a mite concerned that I am coming across as a dark, depressive, moan. Scams (poor bewildered husband) would like me to clarify that the sad assed poetry predates him by many years! (well, not that many to be fair, but feck all to do with 'OUR' life together).  So I intend to stop the dark crap for now and talk a little about loves in my life, and I love a lot!
Twitter has become a 'bit' of an obsession (can one be a 'bit' obsessed, is it like being a 'bit' pregnant?)
I check it even before I have unglued my eyes in the morning, sneak peaks at work when I'm office based, and stay up far too late at night, twittering away.
I have favourite tweeters and chat, more to them than my IRL (In Real Life) friends, in fact where are my IRL friends, when was the last time I saw them? Have I really been submersed in Twitter for the past..... how many months? S C A R E Y  yes, I think it is fair to say I am totally obsessed with Twitter he he*sheepish snigger*
The thing about twitter is that I believe it IS real life. My friends at work, husband and kids keep telling me it is not real ....I do not chat with a furry black cat called Jinx, I do not have a best friend I fight with and love lots called Will March, I don't know a gorgeous author of Steam Punk called Natalie, and another talented, beautiful actor and writer called Katie McCullough, and many, many more. My family and friends tell me these people are fake and fear I am deranged for even trying to explain my attraction to them. Maybe, but as I sit here with my house a tip and laundry undone all I can say in my defence is twitter is addictive, and I happily confess I am a twitter addict. Maybe I should suggest a support group for all of us twitter addicted people, I may, if I had the time, but, so much to tweet and so little time!!

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